API documentation

In case you don't have your API key, you can get one free here...
Parameter Description Value Type
apikey This is your API key. Required. Alphanumeric
url This should be urlencoded string including http://. Must be urlencoded. Alphanumeric
ttl Integer, defining how long we need to keep this url alive. Max is 180 days. This is also the default value. Numeric
format Text. Specifies the format you wish to receive the data. text, JSON or XML Alpha

Making the call

All calls are sent to with all the above listed parameters.

Once the URL is'd the response is provied as per the following parameters.

Parameter Description Value Type
urlRaw This is the raw URL you submitted Alphanumeric
urlTrimmed This is the complete trimmed URL (including http://) Alphanumeric
urlTTL This is the URL's time to live as per your request. If your request was for an invalid TTL, we'll revert to max of 180. Numeric

It really doesn't get any more simpler than this...

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